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Laying of parquet – single-handed or hiring an expert?
2012-09-03 09:27


This depends on the amount that we intend to devote to the position of parquet. If you want to save, it's best to go about this single-handed, using only the advice of professionals or friends who managed with this problem. You should also be aware that not all activities related to laying of parquet you can do yourself, because it is not just laying wood flooring but also scraping, combining the parquet with other floors, polishing, painting and matting. A good company parquet also advise what type of flooring is best to choose for your room - which the wood is most suitable.

 If you do not want to save money, but above all the trouble you put into the
the laying of parquet, the best will be to hire a company that offers services in laying of parquet. When you choose a professional you should pay attention primarily on his experience, you can ask for references. It will be better when you ask your friends if they could recommend us a company that provides good quality services. It is good to follow as many ads, find online information about the company, then ask for money services.
After the preliminary findings you need to sign a contract with a professional, which will contain information about the company, the price of services, completion date and other terms. This means that if problems happen you will be able to assert your rights.

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