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House insulation
2012-05-02 10:49

A proper insulation of standalone house is important for quiet and warm indoor atmosphere. Usually, the insulation is made on newly build building, but older houses are nowadays insulated to improve heating capabilities of walls. Insulating is simple process that do not demand high or specialist skills- only thing you need is time, walls and materials. Before laying an insulation, the wall should be clean and stable. That means necessity of removing all loose areas and dust from surface. Second step is priming the wall. Especially if the wall is already covered by plaster, the surface must be primed – it will improve stickiness and durability of glue that will stick plasterboards. Next step is laying the plasterboards – it is made of light Styrofoam, and sold in 10-board packets. Firstly put ca. 10 blobs of glue, size of an apple on board and starting from lower starting bar, press the board to the wall. The plasterboards will stick and keep on position by glue. Remember to keep horizon of boards. The glue dries about 2-3 days.

After laying the whole surface, use plaster mortar to level plasterboard surface. Put wet glue on float and slice the mortar on boards. This will protect Styrofoam against corrosion. The last step is to lay final layer of acrylic plaster and paint the newly made (and warmer) walls. Choose any color you like but remember to fit it to the rest of building, to avoid ugly color matches.

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