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The bedroom - comfortable and stylish
2011-11-09 11:51

The bedroom is very important room in every house and a desire of many people who cannot have it separate in their small flat. Lucky ones, who are about to arrange their bedrooms, should think over the wall colours, furniture and accessories so the bedroom can serve well its purpose.
The bedroom should sooth us at night, providing good sleep, and energize at the beginning of each day. That’s why well-matched colours play such an important role. When the room is too dark it upsets us, however, too vivid colours don’t calm us in the evening. On the other hand, we cannot just arrange our bedroom using only bright colours. Then, all would merge so the final effect was not impressive.

 A good idea is to apply some subdued colours on the walls and choose more intense tones for the accessories like cushions, caskets, bed covers, roller blinds, curtains or a striking picture.
Undoubtedly, a fundamental element of every bedroom is bed. If the bedroom belongs to a couple, good solution is to put a big marriage bed there - comfortable and stylish. Next, double beds are produced in three standard sizes: 140x200cm, 160x200cm and 180x200cm. The choice mostly depends on the size of the bedroom but also on the body structure of the partners who are to sleep there. Obviously, you can have a bed 2 metres wide made to order.
In order to have enough space for all the necessary things, the practical solution can be a big, built-in wardrobe with sliding doors. It may take one wall, the cavity or the room corner depending on how much space we need. Additionally, you can put a chest of drawers or a dressing-table there. The latter one would suit perfectly for some ladies’ accessories like jewellery or cosmetics. In the bedroom the lighting also plays an important role. Consequently, it is worth putting bedside tables at both sides of the bed to make place for two separate bed lamps
Resigning from tv set in the bedroom also seems to be positive. Thanks to it, we will be asleep earlier and wake up fresh the next morning. Each of electric appliance generates electromagnetic field and when the voltage waves are too strong we can have some sleeping, headaches, irritation and problems with concentration. Another advantage of the TV-less bedroom is that you spend more time with your partner, instead of staring at the TV screen. During this time you can listen switch on the radio and listen to some romantic music. Generally, we should remember that the bedroom is our asylum, place for relaxation as well as a contact with our beloved and inner-self.

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