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How to remove air from heaters
2011-10-28 09:53

It is not comfortable when the temperature outside is falling down, and at home... as well, because the heater barely heats. It happens because of air in central heating system. Irregular heat radiation by heater or its loud working are typical symptoms of aeration. With strong aeration, lower part of heater will be cold and upper warm. The air in heater interferes not only heater works, but also a whole central heating system. It can provoke corrosion of steel parts. Products of corrosion can stuck in pipes and valves. That’s why air shall be removed immediately. In newer heaters it is a simple do: every heater is equipped with vents. Older models (or after few years) can make problems.

 Air can also leak into the system through tiny holes in interconnections. To prevent airing the central heating system, use anti-diffusion barriers and check connections between pipes.
Firstly, try to check pressure in heating system. It should be between 0.9 and 1.2 bar. With switched-off furnace and pump it is possible to add water until the pressure reach 1.4bar. When the pump will stop working the air will flow to higher parts of heater where it can be easily removed. With working pump air and water will circulate in system, hence removing will be much harder thing to do. It s worth to check whether the heater is installed properly – the end with vent shall be slightly higher than valve. To vent the heater, use a special made wrench or screwdriver. Before that, close the valve and then open the vent.

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